[Common] Start minimized=False Hide to SysTray=True Show terminal window=True Display data in hide mode=False Stay on top=False [Display] Font=Courier Font size=10 Color=-16777211 Font color=0 Wrap words=False Lines capacity=200 Transparency=0 [Restart] Mode=0 At time=37319,0416666667 Self restarting=0 [Log] Events=31%0D%0A31%0D%0A31%0D%0A31%0D%0A31%0D%0A Clear log on start=False Log file size=1024 Show message=False Restart on exception=False [Service] Service mode=False Depends= Start depends in service mode=True Start depends after port opening=True [Stamp] Display prefix=< Display postfix=> Custom format=YYYY.MM.DD HH:NN:SS.ZZZ View mode=0 Color=255 Add direction sign=False Add data source ID=False Italic=False Bold=True Prefix=*gg*)(ggeee%2Bgg%2Bgg%2Bgg*gg*gg%2B [Window] Left=398 Top=388 Width=470 Height=308 Restore window pos=398;388;868;696 Window state=wsNormal Language=EN Store settings to registry=False Store settings to INI=True Serial port=data source [Window.Toolbars.Menu] Dock=frmASDLogger.dockTop Left=0 Top=0 [Window.Toolbars.Toolbar] Dock=frmASDLogger.dockTop Left=0 Top=1 [Window.Toolbars.Log] Dock=frmASDLogger.dockBottom Left=0 Top=0 [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.File] Rotation= Rotation selected=1 Actions on file access error=0 Beep on write error=True Write event to protocol=False Error message text=Unable to write to file! Temporary folder= [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.Log] After parsing 2=0 Delete after date=False Delete after number of files=False Date old=10 Number of files=10 Date type=0 Stamp prefix=< Stamp postfix=> [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.Data view] Output type=0 [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.Display] Display mode 20=0 Display mode 80=2 Display mode FF=2 User format=#%%d Charset=1 Add date stamp for sended=False Add date stamp for received=False Highlight sended data=False Highlight color=65535 Use custom color=False Custom color=-16777208 Split timeout=300 Split time=3000 Split characters=#0A [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.Stamp] Timeout=2000 Direction=True After parsing=True File begin=False [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.Modules] Query= Parser=OPC parser (opcparser.dll) Logger= Parse sended data=False Parse received data=True Publication=OPC server (buildin.dll) Events handling= Filters=Script execute (scriptexec.dll) Redirect= [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.Common] Text mode=8tttt8tt Auto open=True Friendly name= [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.SQL] Data source name=Data source Server type=6 Data source=Microsoft Access DB=database.mdb Remote database= Additional connection params= Reconnect timeout=10 Login name= Login password= Table name mode=True SQL mode=False Table name=Measures SQL=%0D%0A Select interval=10 Select interval type=0 Columns= Disconnect module=False Fields=+Measures.ObjNameII1II255II Measures.ItemNameII1II255II Measures.VolAllII6II0II Measures.LevelAllII3II0 [{sqlsrc:5D4BB9CA-D446-4CA9-A438-DB49FBD38767}.Other modules.Script execute (scriptexec.dll).Common] Top=301 Left=358 Width=629 Height=503 Editor width=157 Script=var v:double;%0D%0A strName: string;%0D%0A sColName:string = 'ItemName';%0D%0A sColValue1:string = 'VolAll';%0D%0A sColValue2:string = 'LevelAll';%0D%0Abegin%0D%0A // checks a variable in a data packet%0D%0A if IsVariableDefined(sColName) then%0D%0A begin%0D%0A strName := GetVariable(sColName);%0D%0A if IsVariableDefined(sColValue1) then%0D%0A begin%0D%0A v := GetVariable(sColValue1);%0D%0A SetVariable(strName %2B '.' %2B sColValue1, v);%0D%0A end;%0D%0A if IsVariableDefined(sColValue2) then%0D%0A begin%0D%0A v := GetVariable(sColValue2);%0D%0A SetVariable(strName %2B '.' %2B sColValue2, v);%0D%0A end;%0D%0A end;%0D%0Aend.%0D%0A Language=0